Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dunia yang bakal TAMAT?

Hi dan Assalamualaikum. :)
Korang tau tak dunia hampir tamat. Dunia dah tua. Dunia dah tak mampu nk ingat berapa dah umur dia. Dunia dah nyanyuk. Dunia dah rabun. Kesian kan dunia. Tak percaya? Let's pictures do the talk.

Uhuk uhuk. tok da tua cu!

menu untuk breakfast

agak agak kalau mak kita sembelih ayam lepas tu jumpa benda 
alah ni dalam perut ayam, korang agak agak nak buat ape?

i paling slim taw. tak payah pegi London Weight Management pon.
- effect dari plastic bags yang dibuang dengan sesuka hati

new invention :)
err -.-

Di bawah ni adalah top 3 most polluted places. Take a look!Ingat nama tempat dibawah sila jangan melawat tempat tempat tersebut ye. :)

1. Chernobyl, Ukraine
Sedikit info: The fallout from the world’s worst nuclear power accident continues to accumulate, affecting as many as 5.5 million people and leading to a sharp rise in thyroid cancer. The incident has also blighted the economic prospects of surrounding areas and nations due to their agricultural heritage.
detail nanti aku post dekat entry lain ye :)
Gambar lagi.
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station
Most safest and modern nuclear power station la konon. Ceit!
Kindergarten 461
after the tragedy
2. Sumqayit, Azerbaijan
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Info: Yet another heir to the toxic legacy of Soviet industry, the city of 275,000 souls bears heavy metal, oil and chemical contamination from its days as a center of chemical production. As a result, local Azeris suffer cancer rates 22 to 51 percent higher than their countrymen and their children suffer from a host of genetic defects ranging from mental retardation to bone diseases.
3. Vapi, India
Info: This town at the end of India’s industrial belt in the state of Gujarat houses the dumped remnant waste of more than 1,000 manufacturers, including petrochemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and other chemicals. “The companies treat wastewater and get most of the muck out,” Hanrahan says. “But there’s nowhere to put the muck, so it ends up getting dumped.”

Menakutkan kan. Sebenarnya banyak lagi tempat tempat yang tercemar  kat muka bumi neyh. Jangan nak pandang kiri kanan cari sape salah. pergi depan cermin lepas tu tunjuk sepuluh sepuluh jari dekat cermin tu. Ha. Da dapat identify sape?
cermin suka hati.

 p/s: Petang ni langit sangat gelap. Hujan turun dengan lebat tanpa malu malu lagi. Hujan yang lebat di petang hari kita boleh ibaratkan seperti  sebijik bantal yang disorongkan ke kepala orang yang mengantuk. Memang syookk habeslah unutk tidur. Tapi ape yang aku buat sekarang ni? Tak tidur? Oh. Agak amazing

0 sedang tinggalkan tapak kaki. Anda bila lagi?: